Monday, February 28, 2011

Arctic circle or Wisconsin??

We had so much fun hiking around on snowshoes once in the morning and then once at sunset.  It was beautiful to see the sun set right along the lakeside. 

Wisconsin winter tour

My parents flew up to visit for a long weekend and it was nothing but none stop fun.  Our first day we started up on the north shore of lake superior (just 100 miles south of the Canadian border) and did some snowshoeing along a river until we reached the lakeshore.  There were some areas that were frozen and some sections of the lake that was still water. It was a beautiful hike!

Sauna anyone?

At the end of the race they had a dry sauna you could sit in to warm up.  It felt great after our race!

City of lakes loppet

A few weeks ago Matt and I drove to Minneapolis to do some skiing and complete our first loppet.  What is a loppet you is a fancy name for a group of skiers finishing a designated course and the fastest one wins a prize or otherwise known as a race.  There was a night 5K luminary with hot chocolate and cookies and also a 10K loppet in the morning.  It wasn't too cold and there was no wind.   And to top off the weekend we celebrated the Superbowl with some friends from work.  All in all it was a great way to spend time in the snow.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Great Superbowl fan

Everyone in the clinic was all excited about last night's win, even the skeleton helped cheer on the Pack to victory!

Night on the Town

Saturday night Dace treated us to a play performance of Spamelot.  It was an entertaining show and then it was off to Weber for dinner.  They cook everything there on Weber grills.  I got the pork chops, Dace got the prime rib, and Maija got the salmon.  It was a great evening to spend time together with Dace and get some really good food. 

Visit to Chicago

Last weekend we drove down to Chicago to visit with our aunt Dace.  It's about a six hour drive down and fortunately we went the weekend before the big blizzard! Saturday we went yo a Latvian children's program and then drove through the city.  Lake Michigan wasn't frozen and there definitely wasn't any ice fishing! Crazy to think that just three days later Lakeshore drive would be snowed in!